Rabu, 11 Maret 2009

- Origin Of Stress

Indeed, from which the origin of stress? The psychologist and the believer find a solution. And millions of titles to enter the industry only because the era of public stress. Situations such as used commodity. There are intellectual commodities, commodities have also medicines, commodities have Paranormal, and IM commodities have also to cope with stress.

Consequently, the performance of the Sufi participate teeth. According to the stress caused by the Sufi feel most simple. Namely, "Affairs in the entrance area worldly Godhead. Or affairs daily living are included in our hearts. And so the heart of depression and psychological conflict in itself."

You may ask, what business does not enter this world in our hearts? May be manage our lives without the intervention of our hearts?

And can be very possible. Why? Heart is a house of God (qalbul mukmini House). Heart believe that God's house. Thus, the house of God must be clean, luminous, even light our minds and intellect, light step of our lives. all world and this initiative is managed by us. Initiative is in place there is intellect, mind, and we

If the initiative in entering the heart, the heart will . Even contamination by the very conflict oppress people.

Therefore, every human being should be able to separate that which should be managed in a room in the heart, which must be room annalist by intellect, and which must be calculated by means of our minds and what we can control the appetite.

you try to open the window with your past. Why stress is and show why it appears that fear is caused by the specter of fear itself? Try to remember you, since up to bed when you read this article you will grateful to God? Why do you feel less get favor of God, and when God bestow His grace is reluctant to keep you favor that?

So, anatomy we need to stress this surgery. Not through academic commentary, but through the practice of psychological amaliyah and our day-to-day in a the problem. And when the problem is entered in our hearts, for there the emergence of our carnality. area between hearts with temporal region is the beginning of our growing lust. Both lust and greed that bring hope or joy of lust beyond fairness. Even passionately angry that we burn the chest.


Minggu, 08 Maret 2009

- Not Only Smart Self

Not Only Smart Self
Doni early and just graduated from university. Doni take research on fungi, bacteria are Dini choose. Both are equally willing to work hard to spend many months in the microbiology laboratory to complete Besides hard workers, they are smart students, the difference between early academic achievement is far more prominent than Doni. Dini is the academic achievement of students with a very bright, plus the myriad of non-academic achievement that is not less convincing.
Predicate cum laude charter and a certificate that it has almost all my friends to make sure sekampus Early definitive step toward the world of work, far away Doni that achievement is not so prominent

But the fact speaks another. Only in less than a month Doni received a factory in the negative film. Received early in the new Bank a 6 months later. Not only that, Doni still get a job offer from some company who ever. Things that never experienced Dini.


Early indeed smarter from Doni, but Early did not have a skill that belongs to Doni. That is utilizing the skills of knowledge that has been owned!.
Dini just smart, but it did not know how to take advantage of the ability of academic extraordinary. Like sprinter, Dini only able to win the championship run when held in the stadium for a special run. However, if the contestant must run in the outdoors, Dini will lose. Although the flight is very fast, Dini know how to run only on the road. Think not at all to run through a shortcut, through a small alley-alley, cross the river, across the field to the destination that much faster. Consequently Early easily defeated by a runner-runner speed is far below her.

Unlike the early, Doni information not only on employment in the campus and in the newspapers. Doni carefully study the company-which he estimated the company needs expertise. Negative film factory to see the hideous attacks on the mushroom negative film reels; factory paper reels confusion when broken because of fungi; wheat producers who want to free of fungi; food producers who want food free of bacteria and fungi; a museum painting in Singapore who want to protect the collection from the attack of fungi, even the Petrochemical industry is enthusiastic about recruiting Doni would like to send after the presentation of the processing waste using microbial be a low cost and the process is faster than the conventional way.

Doni able to optimize the application of expertise, so it has got a positive response from many companies. Skills using the intellect is the key. Smart is not enough, should be also equipped with business insight to expand and train the ability to see problems from different angles so that the academic ability can be applied in the real world (c bandung-45)



Strength of Currency
How money can change a human life, it is normal. So also the money for his other life even with the fix-fix a particular purpose, is not a secret anymore. Here is a concrete example how sheet money can change the mind in seconds.

This event is told by former British prime minister, a popular Winston Churchill. Afternoon that he scheduled a speech to be delivered to all UK TV. Ministries of the accident driver not appear, the events live it again. Because do not want to until late in the studio, the number one in the UK was soon to flee roadside stop for a taxi.

Not long after a passing taxi. Churchill immediately and told demon taxi driver as soon as possible to the BBC radio station, located in the West End, London.

"Sorry Lord," answered the taxi driver while shake his head. "It is, Mr. find another taxi only."

"Why do not you want to," answered the prime minister with a high tone, can not be annoyed because entry into the taxi.

"In a normal situation, it does not have a problem, Sir," answered a driver with a tone apologize. He did not want to know the desire of prospective passengers appear to hurry this.

"Behold, at 18:00, PM Winston Churchill will be a speech, and as citizens of both g yan I must soon go home to listen to his speech."

Hear the answer is very surprised mixed Churchill proud. In fact the UK is very small people menghargapi leaders. Without realizing it spent Pounds Sterling sheet and give to the driver.

While his cock tail number on a sheet of money offered, in a flash the driver is very motivated and said, "Please go, sir. I will be among you to anywhere. To hell with Mr. Churchill." Not be told again, how the prime minister during the trip. (* / DJS) / summary



There are 3 types of people see an opportunity. In saying mandarin said:
1. The person who is weak, opportunities await.
2 . People strong, creating opportunities.
3 . People perceptivity / wise, take advantage of the opportunity.

Type two: for the strong, not when the opportunity comes, he will use a variety of ways, creativity, connections’, and all the ability to create opportunities that come to it.

Three types: for tod / wise, he will take advantage of the opportunity because he realizes the opportunity is something of value, not necessarily the opportunity came for the second time. Indeed, on certain conditions, the emergence of opportunity that sometimes takes time maturation. We need to wait momentarily, but not with a passive attitude, otherwise, we wait for that opportunity with the alert attitude, proactive and full readiness.

Attitudes such as a cat will catch mice, cats, can be patient, alert, readiness to wait a full opportunity out of the rat hole. Once the rats out, cats will soon catch victim. Success of the cat kill the mouse is doing a series of 3 things that I discuss above, the ability to wait for the opportunity not passive but proactive, full readiness.

Once the opportunities are directly used. Opportunities is one factor that must be held for those who want to develop themselves. Without the opportunity that is available, we may not be successful. Therefore when the opportunity has not come yet, we should try to create it, even in any trouble, if we have the fortitude to try again, one day, the opportunity will come. Exactly as said by great scientists Albert Enstein:

IN THE MIDDLE OF OPPORTUNITIES DIFFICULLTY Lies. In every difficulty there is opportunity. Make sure with all your creativity, hard work, fortitude and good intent we create the opportunity, take advantage of the opportunity to develop themselves as closely as possible and obtain a better life, more successful and more meaningful!
quran science


Sabtu, 07 Maret 2009

- Three People Datuk Minangkabau origin spreader of Islam in the Bugis

While many already know, that there are three people who came from the progenitor Minangkabau that - most do not come from the land of Sumatra, which Islamize areas kingdom in South Sulawesi in the 16 th century,
However, the author believes there are many young people who have not Minang get information about the services of three progenitor Minangkabau, who spread the Islamic religion in South Sulawesi.
From various sources, I crave the subject three people called the progenitor of a Minangkabau-and tongue-tied in the previous author hearts - do this three progenitor - entry in the history of the Minangkabau?

What and how they struggle and progress in the spread of Islamic religion in the South Sulawesi this? Berikut ini saya mencoba menyimpulkan sebagai berikut : Next I tried to conclude this as follows:
1st Region Tallo and Goa:
Around the beginning of the century 17 ka, this third person progenitor Islamize King Tallo, on Friday 14 Jumadil Start or 22 September 1605, and subsequent XIV King of Gowa, who finally called Sultan Alauddin. "
Kingdom of the kingdom of Gowa and Tallo is a twin kingdom that can not be separated with one another. Even Mangkubumi (Prime Minister) is also the kingdom of Gowa King Tallo.
Raja Tallo XV, Malingkaan Daeng Manynyonri is the first in South Sulawesi who embrace Islam through a theologian from West Sumatra coast, Datuk Makmur Tunggal preacher, or popular among the people of South Sulawesi by the name of Datuk Ribandang.
Therefore also often called the kingdom Tallo-called or termed as the first door of Islam in this region or in the''''Timunganga Ri Tallo.
King of Gowa and officially announced that the official religion throughout the kingdom of Gowa and subordinates is the religion of Islam.. Before the entry of Islam in South Sulawesi, people still profess belief in animism.
in history that originally Datuk Ribandang friends with their own views of the people by doing the kingdom Tallo prayer Asyar the beach Tallo. . Because the first time that people see the prayer, they spontaneously roll towards the palace Tallo kingdom to convey to the King about what they saw.
Tallo then accompanied the king and the people of the kingdom to the Datuk Ribandang and his friends to do the prayer. So are view Datuk Ribandang prayer, King of Tallo and the people at the same time rant mention Makkasaraki''prophet''sallalahu means tangible real prophet sallallahu.
This is one version of the naming, that speech came from 'Makkasaraki', which means that the rough / concrete. There are several versions about the origin than the version he named it.
Datuk Ribandang own and live in the spread of Islam in Gowa, Takalar, Jeneponto, Bantaeng, and died in Tallo.. Meanwhile, two friends, each Datuk Patimang original name of the first-born preacher Datuk Sulaiman, spread of Islam in the region Suppa, Soppeng, Wajo and Luwu, and died and buried in Luwu.
. Are Datuk RiTiro or original sheik Nurdin Ariyani work in some places covers Bantaeng, Tanete, Bulukumba. Dia wafat dan di makamkan di Tiro atau Bontotiro sekarang. He died, and in the makamkan in Tiro or Bontotiro now.
With the coming of the Dutch colonial, the entire defense fortresses in the kingdom of Gowa destroyed fortress Somba Opu except that is for the kingdom of Gowa and Ujungpandang fort (Fort Rotterdam) to the Dutch colonial government, the kingdom of bunker Tallo also destroyed. Crushing defense fortresses kingdom of Gowa-Tallo the appropriate agreement Bungaya, 18 November 1667, the year is also the triumph setbacks Gowa-Tallo kingdom at that time.
A touch of religious teachings brought by the Islamic scholars that most of Sumatra, is also found in the southern part of South Sulawesi is another, namely Bulukumba District, which is based on the strength of local religious and bernafaskan. "Respectively brought by 3 people Datuk; title Dato 'Tiro (Bulukumba), Dato Ribandang (Makassar), and Dato Patimang (Luwu),
3. Meanwhile, in the history of Islam and Luwu Palopo, explaining that approximately at the end of the century XV M and approximately in the year 1013 H, Islam entered the Luwu didaerah under a pious Ulama who arief ketatanegaraannya namely Datuk Sulaeman Minangkabau origin . Etenrieawe. At that time Luwu be governed by a King. At the time Datuk Sulaeman develop religious teachings of Islam in this region, almost all religious communities Luwu receive it.
. When the kingdom was under the auspices of Government of the King Patiarase title with Sultan Abdullah (brother kandungnya called Patiaraja Somba Opu with a degree) as the successor of King Etenriawe, and Datuk in developing Islamic Mission, assisted by two expert scholars fiqih namely Datuk Ribandang who died in Gowa, and Datuk Tiro who died in Kajang Bulukumba. Sulaeman and Datuk died in Pattimang District Malangke, _ + 60 km north of city departments through Palopo sea.
. Datuk Sulaeman that comes from the Minangkabau is then known by the name of Datuk Patimang, because he died and dimakamkan in Pattiman.
4. No less a tale of mengkisahkan that the young preacher Maulana Al (Dato Tiro) along with a second friend (and Patimang Datuk Datuk Ribandang) landed at the port of Para-para.. Arriving in the land, it was directly towards the nearest village to notify his arrival to the head of the country However, in the journey toward the home country, Dato Tiro feel thirsty, and he also wanted to find water along the coast, but there is not a sweet-water wells one of the stones on the seaside Limbua while mengucap the confession "Asyhadu Ala Ilahaillallah wa Ashadu Anna Muhammadarrasulullah", after the strange tongkatnya revoked, out of water gush from the mouth hole in the stone. Shower water is very large and does not flow continuously, so eventually form a puddle.. Population and the sea and then take advantage of this water for daily living. Until this spring was never dry and many people visited.
5. The author has not found information about the Ranah Minang whomever identity progenitor these three people suspected of coming from Miangkabau. What it comes from upbringing and santri from Ranah Minang?.
In fact from Source; http://www.seasite.niu.edu/Indonesian/Islam/Giri.htm, obtained information that the santri boarding Sunan Giri - in addition - known as a persistent carrier of Islam in Java and to various islands, such as Bawean, Kangean, Madura, Haruku, Ternate, and Nusa Tenggara, the fact this santri Sunan Giri - also spread the religion of Islam to South Sulawesi They are Datuk Ribandang and two friend. Mereka adalah murid Sunan Giri yang berasal dari Minangkabau. They Sunan Giri is a disciple of that came from Minangkabau.
6. Indeed, before the coming three progenitor Bugis to this land, there has been some Islamic missionary than three progenitor of the Minangkabau, the Sayyid Jamaluddin al-husayni al akbari is a grandfather of Walisongo.. This means that Islam has come to Bugis land, at the time of arrival of the progenitor '(riBandang Datuk, Datuk Datuk riTiro and riPatimang).
However, acceptance of Islam in the kingdom of Bugis-Makassar kingdoms in the year 1598 (Gowa and Luwu), followed Ajatappareng (Sidenreng, Rappang, Sawitto) in the year 1605, Soppeng (1607), Wajo (1609), and Bone (1611) is owing to the business Datuk riBandang third of this.
Ia mengislamkan Karaeng Matoaya yang merupakan Mangkubumi kerajaan Makassar. He Islamize Karaeng Matoaya Mangkubumi which is the kingdom of Makassar. Datuk Patimang (Datuk Sulaiman) mengislamkan Daeng Parabbung Datu Luwu dan Datuk riTiro memilih berdomisili di Bulukumba yang merupakan daerah perbatasan Bone dan Gowa untuk syiar Islam. Datuk Patimang (Datuk Sulaiman) Islamize Daeng Parabbung Datu Datuk riTiro Luwu and choose based on Bulukumba which is the border of Bone and Gowa Syiar to Islam. Islamnya Gowa adalah simbolitas kekuatan militer dan Luwu adalah pusat mitos Bugis Makassar. Islamnya Gowa is simbolitas Luwu and military power is a central myth Bugis Makassar.
. With pengislaman two kingdoms of this then there is no reason to reject Islam for the people. Islamization is to make the structure as a basis Syariat countries. Previous existing ADE ', RAPANG, WARI, BICARA.. Acceptance of Islam as the official religion of the kingdom made the Syariat the fifth runway SARA 'is consequently made his kingdom a new structural QADHI namely, Bilal, KATTE', as the device DOJA Syiar kerakyat Islam.
What causes this three progenitor visit kingdoms in South Sulawesi is to spread the Islamic religion?
a. The allegations first because people in that region still follow animism as the grains have been described in 1 above, so that the king Tallo and Goa is the first king of confessional islam.
. b. The existence of competition between Christianity and Islam more virulent in South Sulawesi at the beginning of the century to the 16.
. Competition between Islam and Christianity in the Makassar Strait is caused by the king himself who can not choose between these two religions. They ask Abdul Makmur (Dato 'large ri) to come pay a visit with the two friends namely Solomon (Dato' ri Pa'timang) and Abdul-Jawad (Dato 'ri Tiro) Islam then spread throughout the South Sulawesi on the service of a third three-pendakwah this.
. In the world Bugis to Century 16 has been in ramaikan by various commodity trading. Export South Sulawesi when it is rice, which is exported to Malacca, which is already occupied Portugal. In the year 1607, the Sultan of Johor feud with Portuguese exports to try prevent this. Agricultural products are coconut, fruits and vegetables. Type of farming is buffaloes, goats, chickens and ducks. While the results are taken from the South and the area around it that is exported, among others, sandalwood (from Kaili and Palu), sapan wood (from Sumba), aguila wood, resin, etc.
. Not textiles made in South Sulawesi that is popular in the 16 th century.. In the year 1544 - white - known as "cotton cloth," sold at the price 200 rial.. This proves that South Sulawesi is also entering the international trading system and use the foreign currency (Portuguese).. Rial become one of the major currencies, the previous system where the currency exchange has not been done this way.
Did You Know?, At that time before the system of exchange, is a buffalo exchange and may serve as the main guide.
That is sad and again, there is also a new export commodity which is a slave. Most of the slaves that is the prisoner of war that everyone knows that, including children and women who come from Bugis thralled.
..!! Price may be a slave in 1000 reached rial ..!. that when a bid is a quite interesting for the Portuguese.. Slave trade in the first place got the 15 th century, caused by demand from outside.. In line with the world dihapuskannya slave trade, foreign nations who enter kewilayah South divert attention on the Gold. Gold mining in the Toraja and Luwu. In addition Mineral-mineral that is exported iron (from Luwu 'and Banggai), kuprum and plumbum.
What happens on the condition of the South occupied by foreign influences - Portuguese, Spanish, if not three people progenitor came from the land of Minangkabau in Sumatra to visit South Sulawesi at the end of the century was 16 Portuguese and Spanish nation is a nation that is very concerned for meraup produce on the island of Celebes and the Moluccas.
Step further is what intitusi in Minang Ranah that conducts research on gait Datuk Three People for the spread of this religion of Islam.. In the four centuries before now, they have fought for the Islamic religion which is the foundation for the basic characteristics Minangkabau people. Attitude in how we memposisi three progenitor in Minangkabau history?
1. http://bulukumba.bappenas.go.id 1. Http://bulukumba.bappenas.go.id
2. http://www.bulukumbakab.go.id/?id=67 2. Http://www.bulukumbakab.go.id/?id=67
3. http://palopo.pta-makassarkota.go.id/ 3. Http://palopo.pta-makassarkota.go.id/
4. http://www.selayaronline.com 4. Http://www.selayaronline.com
5. http://:www.gatra.com 5. Http://:www.gatra.com
6. http://melayuonline.com 6. Http://melayuonline.com